Thursday, 28 April 2011

Blog 147

I went on a photo walk through Padley Gorge in the Peak District as part of the Peak District Walking Festival, on Wednesday 27th April 2011. Which was led by Chiz Dakin, a member of Derby City Photographic Club, have a look at her website for her photography workshops here.

Many of the photographs were shot using an 8x neutral density filter, thus allowing an exposure of up to 15 seconds in some cases and using an aperture of from f8 to f36.

I have made a colour correction to the images to remove a slight green caste which was created by the sunlight streaming through the new growth of leaves on the trees in the gorge.


  1. Your photography is beautiful!! I looked at your photos on P base in a larger format and they were even more stunning. I wish the ones in your blog could be enlarged with a click.
