Thursday, 28 April 2011

Blog 147

I went on a photo walk through Padley Gorge in the Peak District as part of the Peak District Walking Festival, on Wednesday 27th April 2011. Which was led by Chiz Dakin, a member of Derby City Photographic Club, have a look at her website for her photography workshops here.

Many of the photographs were shot using an 8x neutral density filter, thus allowing an exposure of up to 15 seconds in some cases and using an aperture of from f8 to f36.

I have made a colour correction to the images to remove a slight green caste which was created by the sunlight streaming through the new growth of leaves on the trees in the gorge.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Blog 146

In the May 2011 Derbyshire Life magazine there is an article that has been written about Aston on Trent. In the article it mentions a book, Moments in Time, that I published for the Aston on Trent History Group, the cover is shown below. Website here.

I was asked by the author of the article if I would mind if the magazine used one of my photographs, I agreed and sent the first photograph, shown below, which was cropped as per the second photograph, presumably to fit the available space in the article.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Blog 145

Some of the headgear being worn at the Crich 1940s Easter weekend 2011.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Blog 144

I visited Calke Abbey on Saturday 23rd April 2011 and what a gorgeous surprise, Bluebells carpeting the woodland floor in Serpentine Wood.

Wander through them and breathe in deeply to take in the delicate sweet scent.

Apart from cropping and slight adjustments to exposure all of these images are SOOTC, including the last three which involves setting the lowest ISO and the smallest aperture opening and when pressing the shutter whilst moving the camera in a vertical direction.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Blog 143

A study of water droplets, just a reminder that we haven't seen these conditions for a while.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Blog 142

A few shots from a walk on Tuesday 19th April 2011 in Longwalk Wood, Weston on Trent.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Blog 141

Three photographs from the several hundred taken at the Morley, Leeds re-enactment and living history event on Sunday 17th April 2011. The lighting was so harsh most of the time.

Blog 140

A selection of beautiful tulips, the photographs were taken at Hardwick Hall on Saturday 16th April 2011.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Blog 139

Magnolias in a local churchyard. I was really lucky with the ladybird as it was only 06:37 and it was quite chilly, so he was moving very slowly.

Blog 138

During a recent visit to Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire I decided to capture a few details from this magnificent house, designed largely by Robert Adam. Website here

Blog 137

"Studio Silver Today" – An exhibition of silver by silversmith Theresa Nguyen At Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire. Website here

Saturday March 5 to Saturday October 29, 2011

In addition to the exhibition of her work Theresa has agreed to be “silversmith in residence” at Kedleston. On specified Saturdays throughout the duration of the show she will be present to talk to visitors about her work and demonstrate her skills at a workbench set up within the body of the exhibition.

The Goldsmiths’ Company, which has sponsored the event, has also commissioned Theresa to make a contemporary tumbler, which will be the prize for a competition draw open to all visitors attending the exhibition.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Blog 136

A few street photographs from a visit to Derby yesterday, all taken with the camera at waist level. A very hit and miss process, great to see what has been captured.