My two images from the competition held at Derby City Photographic Club on Monday 1st November 2010. Not my strong-point composition. The Autumn Leaf would probably, according to the judge Robert Falconer, have been the competition winner if I had presented it rotated ninety degrees anticlockwise!! Drat. Autumnal Leaf scored 18/20 and Holly Berries scored 17/20.
My friend saw the image when we were out walking and said how about that for the competition, whose theme was Colour. Due to the poor light, it was taken at 17:12 hours a bit further north of Derby, there was little light and it was raining, so I upped the ISO to 2000 and exposed the image 1/30sec @ f6.3. I used Topaz DeNoise the remove some of the sight noise present in the image. All processing prior to DeNoise was done in Adobe Camera Raw.

Autumnal Leaf

Holly Berries.