So here we are in the Highcross Leicester, click
here, it used to be called the Shires for those persons who have not been to Leicester for a while. Neglected to pick up D-SLR cam on the way out to the car so I was, this time, only equipped with my hi-tech carry about all singing all dancing phone.
We have in this collage top left interesting shapes, colours and forms in the Triumph shop, middle top interesting discs, rather like CDs and DVDs which change colour depending where you are situated in the mall and the light being reflected from them.
Bottom left a view looking towards the entrance to the John Lewis store interesting shapes in the structure and the etched designs in the glass panels. Middle image is a view of the etched glass from within the John Lewis store. The image at the right is looking along the first floor to the right of the JL store.
The middle bottom image is of the three security/cleaning contingent that stood adjacent to me.

This montage is another selection of images from Highcross. I am very amused with the striking colours and shapes that I was able to experience and capture. The middle bottom image was taken in Gallowtree Gate.
I spent over an hour with a specialist trainer in the Apple store, top left image. I thought I was up to speed on using their phone. My eyes were opened to a lot more to what can be achieved with it.
Middle top is my lunch eaten at "EAT Ltd" which consisted of shredded beetroot, peas, broccoli, muki beans, goat's cheese, sweet potato, spinach, mung beans, sunflower oil, Chardonnay vinegar, honey, sunflower seeds, pumpkin kernels, pine kernels, lemon juice, brown sugar and black pepper. All in all a healthy dish followed with a bluberry topped yoghurt.
In a word scrummy!!